1454 Fern Creek Drive, Statesville, NC 28625

Our Dentist for Kids Provides Quick Tips to Protect Your Children’s Teeth While Playing Sports

Children are at a higher risk of hurting themselves more so when they are playing. As a parent, always take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of your children. According to Statesville children dentists, children hurt their teeth mainly when playing.

At the denouement of this article, parents and guardians will have acquainted themselves with tips on protecting their child’s teeth while they are playing since prevention is better than cure. Without any further delay, let’s get sailing.

Encouraging safe play

This is the first step toward preventing dental injuries among children. Their guardians and parents should teach children safe play. Educating children about playing safe will mitigate the chances of them getting dental injuries.

Incorporating the use of a mouth guard

When children are taught the benefit of using a mouth guard while playing, this will reduce their chances of getting dental injuries. Local kid’s dentists recommend every parent should buy his/her child a mouth guard.

Though a mouth guard plays a crucial role in ensuring children’s dental safety while playing, some challenges face the use of mouth guard among children. The uncomfortable design of a mouth guard may be a significant challenge that will hinder children from using them.

The lack of apprehension of the significance of a mouth guard is another challenge hindering children from using them. Pediatric dental offices are trying as much as possible to create awareness on the benefits of mouth guards.

A parent can customize a comfort mouth guard for his/her child by consulting the local kids’ dentist. The mouth guard will be designed in a way that will be alluring to the child.
Wearing helmets

Children should be encouraged to wear helmets, mostly when they are engaged in sports such as hockey. Generally, a helmet reduces the energy of the impact, which will play a crucial role in preventing dental injuries. Statesville children dentists highly recommend the use of helmets among children.

Final Thought

Every parent should request an appointment with our pediatric dental office to get more enlightened on protecting their children’s teeth while playing.
